
冬奥会推广曲:You Are The Miracle

点击加关注👉 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09


Cross the mountain, cross the sea

Winter Games are in Beijing

Gather 'round with all your friends

Join us in the snow

Work your magic on the slope

Having fun in the shining rink

Hear the voices in your heart

Time to claim your crown

Welcome to Beijing

We're about to give it a go

The Olympics are magical

Passion's set to grow

Welcome to Beijing

Together, we will glow

Share your smiles in the winter world

You are the miracle

Cross the mountain, cross the sea

Winter Games are in Beijing

Gather 'round with all your friends

Join us in the snow

Glory comes from an open heart

And the grace of winter sport

Time to fight for what you want

Come on, now we start

Welcome to Beijing

We're about to give it a go

The Olympics are magical

Passion's set to grow

Welcome to Beijing

Together, we will glow

Share your smiles in the winter world

You are the miracle

Welcome to Beijing

We're about to give it a go

The Olympics are magical

Passion's set to grow

Welcome to Beijing

Together, we will glow

Share your smiles in the winter world

You are the miracle

Share your smiles in the winter world

You are the miracle


[听歌学英文] 英文版《孤勇者》,送给不肯认输的你

[听歌学英文] 漠河舞厅肖恩Shaun-Gibson 英文版

[听歌学英文] Here With You

[听歌学英文] The Fray《Never Say Never》,治愈偶尔疲惫的你!

[听歌学英文]Free Loop 自由循环 —Daniel Powter

[听歌学英文] One Day

[听歌学英文] Frances《Say It Again》

[听歌学英文] 一首超好听英文歌《Let It Out》,独特美妙的歌声,开口就爱了!

[听歌学英文] Demons: 电影《九层妖塔》的主题曲

[听歌学英文] 超好听的《同桌的你》英文版



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